Monday, June 1, 2020

Socially-Mediated Publicness - 550 Words

Socially-Mediated Publicness (Essay Sample) Content: Socially-Mediated Publicness Name Institutions Socially-Mediated Publicness Socially mediated publicness is a term used to refer to the situation where technology reconfigures publicness, blurs the audiences and publics and distorts what it means to engage in public life (Baym hence this process requires both control and skills from both parts. Although what is posted online is not necessarily visible to the public, people may share content with other users. In cases where people want to achieve a certain number of views, sharing information creates an easy way to achieve publicness. To control unprecedented publicness, people must understand that by using social media sites, they are indirectly exposing themselves to the publicness (Ð ¼Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ¢â‚¬ËœÃ ¼Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ±Ã ¼Ã'™Â ± & Yeonhee Rho, 2012). Thus people must learn ways to prevent their identities from unwanted exposure to the public. Although many social media sites have privacy settings that people can use to control their accounts, many are yet to utilize these features entirely. Baym & Boyd, (2012) argues that some of the control features for such people might include compelling them to choose whether to share information or not. Also, such people, they need both sensibility and experiences. For example over the six years, I have been using Facebook, I have learned a lot of privacy skills .I have learned how to make wise choices on what to share, when and who to share information. For many people, this process requires ...

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